
good for; salad, grill, boil

Taste like radish, with softer flavor and juiciness.

Simmered Turnip and Bacon

Ingredients: turnips(includes leaves and stems)(1pack for 2 plates), bacon, salt, pepper, soy sauce(if you want)

  1. 小かぶの葉と茎を切り落とし、食べやすい長さに切る。かぶは皮をむき、くし切りにする。
    Cut off the leaves and stems of turnips. Chop the leaves and stems, peel and cut the turnips. 
  2. 鍋にかぶを入れ、ちょうど浸るくらいまで水を入れ、火にかける。
    Place the turnips in a pot, pour the water that just covers up the turnips and start heating up.
  3. 2が沸騰したら、茎と葉を加え、塩、コショウ、お好みでしょうゆなどで味付けをする。
    Once 2 is boiled, add bacon, turnip stems, and leaves. Season it with salt, pepper, soy-sauce if you have.