
good for; salad, grill, soup

Mild and juicy flavor.

BBQ Onion Steak

Ingredients: Onion (with leaves)
Glaze:ketchup, balsamic vinegar, honey, American mustard (4:1:3:2), rosemary

  1. 玉ねぎを、葉と玉の部分に分け、葉は3~4cmに、玉は半円にカットする。
    Separate the onion and leaves, cut the onion into half-round, and the leaves into 3-4cm length.
  2. 味付けタレを作る(塩コショウでも十分おいしいです)
    Make the glaze by mixing together the ingredients (salt & pepper perfect enough)
  3. 玉ねぎを串に刺し、タレを付け、やわらかくなるまで焼く。
    Insert a skewer through the center of the slices, coat the glaze and place on the grill. Cook until charred and tender.