2.鍋に水と塩を入れ、落花生を入れてから火にかける。 Add water, salt, and peanut in a pot, and start boiling. 落花生300gの場合、水1.5L、塩45~60gほど 300g of peanut, 1.5L of water, 45-60g of salt
3.25~35分程度でお好みのかたさになるまで茹でる。 Boil for 25-35min until peanut become soft and tasty.
塩味が足りないと感じた場合は、火を止めたあと、しばらくおいておくと染みておいしくなります。 When you want to make it more salty, you can leave the pot for a while so that salt will soak.
茹でたてだけでなく、冷めてからもおすすめです! Not only freshly boiled peanut, one with lower temperature is also tasty!