- 1. 豆の毛が落ちるよう、こすり合わせるようにしてよく洗う。
Wash edamame well so that dirt comes off. - 2.沸騰したお湯に枝豆と塩を入れ、15~20分ほど茹でる。
Add edamame and salt in boiling water and boil for 15-20mins.
300g of beans, 1.5L of water, 30g of salt - 茹で時間は10分程度でも食べられますが、丹波黒(丹波白)特有のコクを味わうには、15分以上がおすすめです。完熟の場合は、さらに長めに(20~25分程度)茹でると栗のようなほっくりとした食感が楽しめます。
You can eat after 10min, but over 15min is suggested for the rich taste and sweetness of black beans(edamame). Even longer (20-25min) is better for the ripe edamame in the end of the season. - 茹でたてはもちろんですが、冷めてからも味が染みておいしいです。
Edamame taste well even after the temperature goes down, so enjoy slowly and savor.
保存方法-how to freeze-
Boil only for 2-3min, and freeze. When eating, add frozen edamame directly to boiling water, boil for 15min and see the softness.